10 events found.
FAME 1st Quarterly Conference Meeting
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Marriage Ministry Meeting
Members, please check your email for the Zoom link.
Pastor and Smith Family Appreciation
SAVE THE DATES!! | 12/9 - 12/10 Join us as we celebrate and appreciate Dr. Rodney, Rev. Amittia Smith, and the Smith Family!!! December 9th - 2-4 pm, "Service to Community", 583 - 5th Street, Oakland, CA December 10th - 10 am, "Worship Service," Pastor Elijah Shafah, Special Guest Preacher, 1955 Broadway, Oakland 3 pm, […]
FAME 2023/2024 Planning Meeting #3
Time: Dec 12, 2023 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82423980136?pwd=UXlqdHZqUWpyemNyaytlU2FVbGl6dz09 Meeting ID: 824 2398 0136 Passcode: 181185