Sister Adrienne Shelton-Hegler is this year’s Coronation contestant! Let’s mark our calendars to support her. You can purchase an advertisement by contacting Mary Freeman or stopping by the WMS table in the vestibule on Sunday. PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for submitting ads is Sunday, May 12th.
Click to register and for more information. Youth Outing Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk "Aloha Terrace Area" June 22nd 10AM - 8PM Aloha Terrace Area from 12:30PM - 4PM with lunch at 1:00PM Youth are free to attend but the adults have a registration fee of $75 Deadline to register for this event is Thursday, June […]
Day of Service Volunteering at Alameda County Community Food Bank, Mon. Jun. 24th 12PM-3PM. All are welcome to participate, including children (10 or older). The location: 7900 Edgewater Dr., Oakland, CA 94621 For more info contact Debra Samples-Holliday (415) 608-2669.